Eckerö Line 30 years

It is time to celebrate Eckerö Line’s 30-years on the Baltic Sea. We are proud and happy that we have been able to serve both Finns and Estonians for three decades.

Celebrate our decades with Finnish popular artists on our cruises

There is a Celebrate our Decades party onboard m/s Finlandia every Friday from 30 August to 8 November 2024. The only exceptions are the Fridays during the autumn holidays, 11 October and 18 October. These party cruises feature favourite performers from the decades of Eckerö Line's operations. The Celebrate our Decades parties are guaranteed to have a cheerful spirit so gather your group together, kick up your heels and welcome to party.

Cruises with the big names of the 90s

30.8. Neon 2 Do you remember hits like Kemiaa and Polku by the band that sold double?

20.9. E-Rotic Eurodance hits Fred come to bed and Sex on the Phone were not that subtle.

25.10. Rednex No 90’s kid could escape the hits Cotton Eye Joe and Wish You Were Here.

National favourites from the 2000s

6.9. Juliet Jonesin Sydän Helppo elämä and Rakkaus – songs played in many Cassette and CD players.

27.9. Irina Pokka, Kymmenen kirosanaa – We have sang along to these songs!

1.11. Petri Nygård The hits Seopetriii and Selvä päivä by this cheeky artist have gone wild at festivals.

National favourites from the 2000s

6.9. Juliet Jonesin Sydän Helppo elämä and Rakkaus – songs played in many Cassette and CD players.

27.9. Irina Pokka, Kymmenen kirosanaa – We have sang along to these songs!

1.11. Petri Nygård The hits Seopetriii and Selvä päivä by this cheeky artist have gone wild at festivals.

Classics from the 2010s live onboard

13.9. Evelina Honey & Tornado – hits by the first Finnish female artist with 10 million Spotify streams.

4.10. Teflon Brothers Officially Estonian, the band always throws a party. Do you remember: Maradona (kesä ‘86), Pämppää?

8.11. Jukka Poika The pioneer of Finnish reggae, his Mielihyvää and Kylmästä lämpimään bring a smile on your face.


Stay tuned! Pääset osallistumaan 26.7. alkaen arvontaan, jossa voit voittaa liput neljälle henkilölle valitsemallesi Vuosikymmenten bileet -risteilylle. Ensimmäiset voittajat arvotaan 2.8.2024. Uusia voittajia arvotaan joka viikko 20.9. saakka.

Miksi lähteä Viroon – yksi sana:


Tallinna on lähellä, noin parin tunnin päästä ankkurin irtoamisesta olet jo perillä.

Miksi lähteä Viroon – yksi sana:


Tallinna on lähellä, noin parin tunnin päästä ankkurin irtoamisesta olet jo perillä.

Miksi lähteä Viroon – yksi sana:


Tallinna on lähellä, noin parin tunnin päästä ankkurin irtoamisesta olet jo perillä.

Travel through time with Eckerö Line

Eckerö Line has been a bridge between Finland and Estonia for 30 years. Since 1994 Eckerö Line has connected these two countries, their people and their cargo traffic – and the journey continues.

1994 The operations between Tallinn and Helsinki began – under Finnish flag from the beginning

Back then the company was known as Eestin Linjat. 25 August 1994, an inaugural cruise on m/s Alandia was arranged for invited guests. Other customers could buy entrance tickets to the cruise for a special price, one hundred Finnish marks, which is equivalent to about 28 Euros today. Regular scheduled traffic from Olympia Terminal in Helsinki started on 4 September 1994.

In 1994, many things in Finland and Estonia were different from today. In Estonia, the last Russian troops left the country, which is about three years after regaining independence. In Finland, after a referendum, parliament approved the country's accession to the European Union. The Nokia 2110 was a popular mobile phone around the world. Only in the dreams of ice hockey fans had Finland won gold in the World Ice Hockey Championships.

1995 The operations moved from Olympia Terminal to West Harbour, favourite shopping items were e.g. alcohol, eyewear and groceries

The company's operations moved from Olympia Terminal to West Harbour in Jätkäsaari on 1 May 1995. The terminal was a red brick building, initially a warehouse designed by architect Gunnar Taucher in the 1940’s and now renovated for terminal use. The price level in Estonia was very affordable for Finns, and the passengers' favourite shopping items in the mid-1990s were e.g. alcoholic products, glasses and foods such as cheese and sweets. Eestin Linjat operated between Helsinki and Tallinn mainly with m/s Alandia. In the summer m/s Alandia sailed for Eckerö Linjen on Åland and m/s Apollo replaced it on the Helsinki-Tallinn route.

Jätkäsaari, a southern district of Helsinki, has undergone significant changes from 1995 to 2024. In 1995, Jätkäsaari was still an industrial and harbour area, and the Helsinki cargo harbour was located here, among other things. Before the construction of Jätkäsaari began in 2010, the pop star Madonna held her giant concert here in 2009. Today, Jätkäsaari is an urban district, where housing will be built for 21,000 residents and up to 6,000 jobs will be created until the end of the 2020’s.

1995 The operations moved from Olympia Terminal to West Harbour, favourite shopping items were e.g. alcohol, eyewear and groceries

The company's operations moved from Olympia Terminal to West Harbour in Jätkäsaari on 1 May 1995. The terminal was a red brick building, initially a warehouse designed by architect Gunnar Taucher in the 1940’s and now renovated for terminal use. The price level in Estonia was very affordable for Finns, and the passengers' favourite shopping items in the mid-1990s were e.g. alcoholic products, glasses and foods such as cheese and sweets. Eestin Linjat operated between Helsinki and Tallinn mainly with m/s Alandia. In the summer m/s Alandia sailed for Eckerö Linjen on Åland and m/s Apollo replaced it on the Helsinki-Tallinn route.

Jätkäsaari, a southern district of Helsinki, has undergone significant changes from 1995 to 2024. In 1995, Jätkäsaari was still an industrial and harbour area, and the Helsinki cargo harbour was located here, among other things. Before the construction of Jätkäsaari began in 2010, the pop star Madonna held her giant concert here in 2009. Today, Jätkäsaari is an urban district, where housing will be built for 21,000 residents and up to 6,000 jobs will be created until the end of the 2020’s.

1997 The Eestin Linjat company name is changed to Eckerö Line, travelling between Estonia and Finland became easier due to visa-free travel

The company name Eestin Linjat is changed to Eckerö Line. The Port of Helsinki expanded the West Terminal to meet the increased passenger volumes. The harbour area was enlarged by more than a hectare.

The foreign ministers of Finland and Estonia, Tarja Halonen and Toomas Hendrik Ilves, signed an agreement on visa-free travel. The visa exemption meant a big leap towards easy and smooth travel between Finland and Estonia. In 1996, a total of more than four million trips were made between Estonia and Finland, of which Finns accounted for approximately 90 percent. With visa freedom, it was estimated that tourism to Finland, especially by Estonians, would increase, as a visa had been more expensive than a ship ticket.

1998 Eckerö Line has the biggest ship, Nordlandia, on the Helsinki-Tallinn route

In February 1998, Nordlandia replaced Alandia on the route between Helsinki and Tallinn. Apollo and Alandia had been the smallest ships on the route, but now it suddenly was the other way around. The passenger capacity of Apollo and Alandia was about 1,200 people, but Nordlandia could welcome almost 2,000 passengers and 450 cars. It's no wonder that Nordlandia got the nickname Norsu (elephant) among ship enthusiasts.

In March 1998, Estonia began membership negotiations to join the European Union. The visa exemption that came into force a year earlier boosted tourism between Finland and Estonia, and the share of Estonian travellers in particular increased.

1998 Eckerö Line has the biggest ship, Nordlandia, on the Helsinki-Tallinn route

In February 1998, Nordlandia replaced Alandia on the route between Helsinki and Tallinn. Apollo and Alandia had been the smallest ships on the route, but now it suddenly was the other way around. The passenger capacity of Apollo and Alandia was about 1,200 people, but Nordlandia could welcome almost 2,000 passengers and 450 cars. It's no wonder that Nordlandia got the nickname Norsu (elephant) among ship enthusiasts.

In March 1998, Estonia began membership negotiations to join the European Union. The visa exemption that came into force a year earlier boosted tourism between Finland and Estonia, and the share of Estonian travellers in particular increased.

2000 Eckerö Line in the lead of digitalisation: among the first in the industry with an online ticket shop

You could book a boat trip with cabin, meals and transportation for your car online. The advanced internet users of their time quickly adopted the service. Today, no less than 80% of all tickets sold by Eckerö Line are purchased online.

In 2012, Eckerö Line opened its own Facebook account to serve customers through the channels that customers use – that is, also through social media. The company's first Facebook event was the maiden cruise of m/s Finlandia on New Year's Eve 2012. In the spring of 2024, Eckerö Line has a total of about 88,700 followers on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Today, being a digitalization pioneer is still a part of Eckerö Line's activities.

In 2021, Eckerö Line introduced its own mobile application. For example, the boarding card can be found in the app and with it the passenger can get from the terminal through the departure gate directly to the ship – and all the way to the cabin. The cabin key cards that are also available in the app are still rare in the industry, but Eckerö Line has wanted to be strictly up-to-date even in this development.

At the turn of the millennium, the atmosphere on the shores of the Baltic Sea was optimistic. In Finland and especially in Estonia, the economies grew rapidly driven by technology companies, digitalization advanced quickly and international cooperation at different levels in society was lively. Passenger records were broken in traffic between Helsinki and Tallinn.

2002 Eckerö Line customers among the first to use Euros 

On 1 January 2002, euro coins and banknotes were introduced in Finland and 11 other EU countries. Due to the time difference, Finland and Greece were the first to use Euros. The presumably very first person to use euro coins in Finland was Finance Minister Sauli Niinistö – right as the day changed, he bought a cup of coffee with Euros at a festivity in Helsinki.

Eckerö Line's customers were also among the first to get their hands on brand new Euros, as they got their change back in Euros when paying for their purchases with Finnish markka. Switching to the euro in 12 countries at the same time has been described as the biggest cash changeover in history. In Estonia, kroons were switched to Euros on 1 January 2011.

2002 Eckerö Line customers among the first to use Euros 

On 1 January 2002, euro coins and banknotes were introduced in Finland and 11 other EU countries. Due to the time difference, Finland and Greece were the first to use Euros. The presumably very first person to use euro coins in Finland was Finance Minister Sauli Niinistö – right as the day changed, he bought a cup of coffee with Euros at a festivity in Helsinki.

Eckerö Line's customers were also among the first to get their hands on brand new Euros, as they got their change back in Euros when paying for their purchases with Finnish markka. Switching to the euro in 12 countries at the same time has been described as the biggest cash changeover in history. In Estonia, kroons were switched to Euros on 1 January 2011.

2004 Estonia's EU membership also influenced the Gulf of Finland – Eckerö Line responded to the growing international trade with a new cargo ship, Translandia

Estonia joined the European Union in the spring of 2004. This caused many changes to ships operating on the Gulf of Finland as well: tax-free sales ceased, but on the other hand, the lower price level in Estonia and Tallinn's appeal as a travel destination ensured that the boat ticket sale continued to be brisk. In addition, the outlook on Estonia's international trade was positive as a result of EU membership.

Eckerö Line responded to the growth of the freight market by introducing a new ship between Helsinki and Tallinn, the Translandia, which focused solely on freight. The ship was probably already familiar to Finnish passengers, as it had previously operated in the Gulf of Bothnia under the name Transparaden and between Helsinki and Lübeck under the name Transgermania.

2008–2009 The financial crisis accelerated commuter traffic between Finland and Estonia, Eckerö Line moved cargo traffic to Vuosaari

The financial crisis, which started in the United States, collapsed the economy all over the world, including in Finland and Estonia. In Estonia, strong inflation also weakened the relative purchasing power of incomes. Many Estonians went to work in Finland, especially in the fields of construction, logistics and service, which led to a strong increase of commuter travel at sea. It is estimated that up to 9,000 Estonian workers travelled on ships between Tallinn and Helsinki every week. The concept of a Helsinki-Tallinn twin city took off.

Travelling became even easier as the passport checks ceased in 2008. In the spring of 2009, Eckerö Line's m/s Translandia began to traffic from the new Vuosaari cargo harbour instead of West Harbour, which is located near the city centre. This move promoted the progress to move truck traffic away from the centre of Helsinki.

2008–2009 The financial crisis accelerated commuter traffic between Finland and Estonia, Eckerö Line moved cargo traffic to Vuosaari

The financial crisis, which started in the United States, collapsed the economy all over the world, including in Finland and Estonia. In Estonia, strong inflation also weakened the relative purchasing power of incomes. Many Estonians went to work in Finland, especially in the fields of construction, logistics and service, which led to a strong increase of commuter travel at sea. It is estimated that up to 9,000 Estonian workers travelled on ships between Tallinn and Helsinki every week. The concept of a Helsinki-Tallinn twin city took off.

Travelling became even easier as the passport checks ceased in 2008. In the spring of 2009, Eckerö Line's m/s Translandia began to traffic from the new Vuosaari cargo harbour instead of West Harbour, which is located near the city centre. This move promoted the progress to move truck traffic away from the centre of Helsinki.

2010 The development of Muuga harbour started

In 2010, a project was launched to develop the port of Muuga. The goal was to make Muuga one of the largest cargo shipping harbours in the Baltic Sea. This meant a significant increase in capacity, which required the construction of new piers and the expansion of existing ones. In addition, the project was expected to improve the port's logistical connections, such as rail and road connections, so that the transfer of goods from the port to the rest of Estonia and on to other Baltic countries would be more efficient.

2012 New ship, shorter travel time

M/s Finlandia began operating between Helsinki and Tallinn in 2012 on New Year's Eve – and under the Finnish flag like its predecessor. Thanks to the new ship, travel time was shortened to 2.5 hours, which was 1-1.5 hours faster than Nordlandia, the vessel previously operating the route. A public ship naming competition was organized and almost 12,000 suggestions were submitted. The Helsinki–Tallinn route had become one of the busiest passenger car ferry lines in the world and with m/s Finlandia, Eckerö Line's market share on the route grew rapidly.

2012 New ship, shorter travel time

M/s Finlandia began operating between Helsinki and Tallinn in 2012 on New Year's Eve – and under the Finnish flag like its predecessor. Thanks to the new ship, travel time was shortened to 2.5 hours, which was 1-1.5 hours faster than Nordlandia, the vessel previously operating the route. A public ship naming competition was organized and almost 12,000 suggestions were submitted. The Helsinki–Tallinn route had become one of the busiest passenger car ferry lines in the world and with m/s Finlandia, Eckerö Line's market share on the route grew rapidly.

The millionth customer was rewarded

In 2013, Eckerö Line reached an important milestone, when the number of passengers transported annually exceeded one million customers for the first time. The millionth customer, Henna from Vantaa, received a festive welcome with breakfast and sparkling wines as she boarded the ship. In addition, Henna was rewarded with a four-person trip to Tallinn with an A-class cabin and Buffet Eckerö meals. In ten years, the next milestone in the million range was reached, when Eckerö Line passed the threshold of two million annual passengers in 2023.

Another kind of milestone was passed in Estonia in 2013; Estonia joined the group of countries that have their own satellite orbiting the Earth when EstCube-1 was successfully launched into orbit on 7 May 2013. It was the first satellite to attempt to use solar wind as an energy source. Once upon a time Juri Gagarin also travelled to space with Estonian help, his food intended for consumption in space was prepared in Estonia.

2017 Harbours on both sides of the Gulf of Finland are improved, increasing travel comfort and flexibility

As traffic and passenger volumes increased over time, the Port of Helsinki decided to build a brand new terminal building in the West Harbour. The doors opened in March 2017. With the new terminal, travel became much smoother: the distance from the ship to the front door of the terminal was shortened by 400-500 meters. At first, the faster ships on Tallinn route used the new terminal. A new type of rope-less mooring system was built for the ships with smooth port operations in mind.

"Tallinn 2030" is the long-term development plan for the city of Tallinn and it started in 2017. The goal is to make Tallinn even more vibrant and attractive for both residents and visitors. The plan includes many different projects, such as a tram connection to the port, more green areas and developing the cultural offer.

2017 Harbours on both sides of the Gulf of Finland are improved, increasing travel comfort and flexibility

As traffic and passenger volumes increased over time, the Port of Helsinki decided to build a brand new terminal building in the West Harbour. The doors opened in March 2017. With the new terminal, travel became much smoother: the distance from the ship to the front door of the terminal was shortened by 400-500 meters. At first, the faster ships on Tallinn route used the new terminal. A new type of rope-less mooring system was built for the ships with smooth port operations in mind.

"Tallinn 2030" is the long-term development plan for the city of Tallinn and it started in 2017. The goal is to make Tallinn even more vibrant and attractive for both residents and visitors. The plan includes many different projects, such as a tram connection to the port, more green areas and developing the cultural offer.

2019 Freight traffic in central Helsinki and Tallinn decreased when m/s Finbo Cargo started on the Vuosaari–Muuga route

Eckerö Line's m/s Finbo Cargo started operating under the Finnish flag from Vuosaari in Helsinki to Muuga in Tallinn on 27 June 2019. Customers were very positive about the new route – after all, Finbo Cargo offers a flexible option for both freight transports and travellers with cars. With Finbo, you also avoid congestion in the centre of both Helsinki and Tallinn. Today, 60% of Eckerö Line's cargo transports pass through Vuosaari harbour.

The launch of Finbo Cargo was Eckerö Line's timely response to the public debate about congestion in the vicinity of Helsinki harbours due to growing passenger and cargo traffic. The city of Helsinki launched several related plans, from the replacement of the old West terminal 1 building to the extension of the metro line to Vuosaari harbour.

2020 M/s Finlandia to use shore power in Tallinn

M/s Finlandia started to use shore power at night in Tallinn harbour. The use of shore power reduces climate emissions by up to 50-80%, when the ship does not need to use its diesel engines to produce electricity. In addition, the change improved air quality and reduced noise in the area around the harbour, which is close to the centre of Tallinn. The construction of the land-based power system was an important part in developing operations in the port of Tallinn to reduce the environmental impact. In Helsinki West Harbour, the shore power system was launched in 2023.

2020 Everything changed during the corona pandemic – even travel plans, Eckerö Line answered for security of supply and kept exports going

Passengers were affected by several, sometimes very tough, restrictions during the different phases of the pandemic. Shipping was, however, able to continue, and Finland's security of supply was always assured. Up to 90% of Finland's cargo traffic goes by sea and up to 60% of freight transports takes place by trucks on passenger ships. With Eckerö Line ships, among others, food, medicine and, for example, spare parts for industry were imported to Finland reliably and regularly even during the pandemic. Thanks to shipping, the Finnish vital export also continued without interruption. Tourism quarantine rules also prompted shipping companies to create new services. For Eckerö Line, this meant, among other things, special cruises to Hanko in the summers of 2021 and 2022.

2023 Eckerö Line – a responsible Finnish shipping company, valued by staff and customers

Eckerö Line has operated under the Finnish flag since the beginning of its history. The company is also entitled to use the Key Flag as a symbol of Finnish service. Finnishness is an important value for the company and it is seen every day on the ships in very concrete terms; for example in the restaurants as domestic ingredients, own cooking and in the employment of national artists and program producers. These measures create economic growth and jobs for both Finnish and Estonian companies and entrepreneurs.

In the personnel survey Great Place to Work, Eckerö Line's tangible strengths are equality and equal treatment. The well-being of the staff is directly reflected in how the customers enjoy their trips. Our customer experience has also been praised as the best on the Baltic Sea.

2023 Eckerö Line – a responsible Finnish shipping company, valued by staff and customers

Eckerö Line has operated under the Finnish flag since the beginning of its history. The company is also entitled to use the Key Flag as a symbol of Finnish service. Finnishness is an important value for the company and it is seen every day on the ships in very concrete terms; for example in the restaurants as domestic ingredients, own cooking and in the employment of national artists and program producers. These measures create economic growth and jobs for both Finnish and Estonian companies and entrepreneurs.

In the personnel survey Great Place to Work, Eckerö Line's tangible strengths are equality and equal treatment. The well-being of the staff is directly reflected in how the customers enjoy their trips. Our customer experience has also been praised as the best on the Baltic Sea.

2024 For the benefit of the Baltic Sea and the environment – already 12 departures per day

We have come a long way from the days of one ship and a one-day-cruise till today, when Eckerö Line's m/s Finlandia and m/s Finbo Cargo transports passengers and cargo across the Gulf of Finland reliably and safely 12 times a day. The passenger volumes are also quite different today; Eckerö Line crossed the milestone of two million annual passengers in 2023.

At the beginning of 2024, m/s Finlandia was extensively renewed. The renovation work focused especially on reducing fuel consumption, which directly reduces the ships' climate emissions. During the docking, new rudders and propeller blades were installed on the vessel, and with the help of the modification work, the targeted 6% emission reduction has already been achieved. At the shipyard, the bottom of the ship was also treated with a special paint that improves gliding in the water. This measure also reduces fuel consumption.

"Täysi höyry päällä" – henkilökunta muistelee

Vuosikymmeniin mahtuu monta työpäivää, -tehtävää ja nostalgista muistoa. Keräsimme henkilökunnalta tarinoita vuosien varrelta.