Contact information and opening hours

Travel sales

Reservations and customer service

06000 4300
(1,771 €/call + inc))

Calls from outside Finland +358 9 2288 544

Service hours
Mon-Fri 8.00-19.00
Sat-Sun and public holidays 9.00-15.30

Email: [email protected]

Group and conference sales

Events and Groups min. 10 persons

Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00

Email: [email protected]

Cargo sales

West Terminal T2 Helsinki

Check-in & ticket sales

Tyynenmerenkatu 14
00220 Helsinki


Service hours
Mon-Fri & Sun 7.30-8.30, 13.45-14.45 & 20.10-21.10
Sat 7.30-8.30 & 13.45-14.45

Customer service and pre check-in

Service hours Mon-Wed 9.00-15.15
Thu-Fri 9.00-20.00
Sat-Sun and public holidays closed

Vehicle check-in

Mon-Fri & Sun 7.15-8.15, 13.30-14.30 & 20.00-21.00
Sat 7.15-8.15 & 13.30-14.30

Helsinki Vuosaari



Service hours

Mon-Fri 11.00-12.00
Sun-Fri 18.00-19.00

A-Terminal Tallinn

Check-in and ticket sales

Passenger Harbour, Sadama 25-2
Tallinn 10111

 +372 664 6005

Ticket sales and pre check-in

Service hours
Every day 9.00-18.30
Ticket sales (by phone)
Mon-Fri 9.00-19.00, Sat-Sun and holidays 9.00-17.30


Passenger check-in

Mon-Sat 4.45-5.30, 10.00-11.30 & 16.30-18.00
Sun 10.00-11.30 & 16.30-18.00

Vehicle check-in

Mon-Sat 4.30-5.30, 10.00-11.30 & 16.30-18.00
Sun 10.00-11.30 & 16.30-18.00

Tallinn Muuga

Põhjaranna tee 24, Maardu 74114

Service hours

Mon-Wed 5.00-6.00
Mon-Fri 13.15-14.45
Sun 14.00-15.30
Wed-Thu 22.00-23.00

Administration & Sales Department

Tyynenmerenkatu 9
00220 Helsinki

06000 4300 (1,75 e/call + Inc)

All times shown here are in Eeastern European Time (UTC/GMT +2 hours). Exceptions to opening hours may occur during public holidays.