Pets onboard

Pets are welcome to Eckerö Line

Pets on MS Finlandia

No extra fee is charged for pets but the place for pet must be booked beforehand. Small pets in carry cage or carry bags can be brought to the passenger premises with the exception of the restaurant and bar areas, Conference Center and Lounge.

Bigger pets travel in your car on car deck or optionally in a special pet cabin, that has to be booked separately (for an additional charge). The availability of pet places is limited. If we discover that a pet has travelled in a regular passenger cabin, we will charge the customer the fee for an extra cleaning of the cabin.

There is a sandbox for dogs on outer deck 6.

Pets on MS Finbo Cargo

No extra fee is charged for pets but the place for pet must be booked beforehand. Small pets in carry cage or carry bags can be brought to the passenger premises with the exception of the restaurant and bar areas.

Bigger pets travel in your car on car deck. No pets in night departures Tallinn-Helsinki. The availability of pet places is limited.

We will charge the customer the fee for an extra cleaning of the cabin If we discover that a pet has travelled in a regular passenger cabin.

Please notice!

The pet travels on car deck on owner's responsibility. The passengers have no access to the car deck during the voyage. The temperature on car deck may be high during the summer time. On MS Finbo Cargo cardeck the temperature may be too low for pets during the winter time as the cardeck is not heated and partly open.

When moving with an animal on a ship, the animal must be restrained.

Please notice that when travelling between EU countries you need to have pet passport. Please observe the requirements on pets returning from an EU-country to Finland. When travelling for example to Estonia, a dog must get anti-echinococcus treatment 1–5 days before returning to Finland.  Read more about the requirements on Finnish Food Authority website.

Hotels charge extra fee for pets. The fee is payable at the hotel. Notice that all hotels do not allow pets.