Travelling by car

Make a reservation for your car
When travelling by car, we recommend that you make reservations in advance. Before booking, please specify the correct dimensions of your vehicle; height, length and width. The space on car deck is divided into different price categories according to vehicle length- and height measurements. The price for your car space is depending on how your car fits in these categories.
Please note that extra carriage has an impact on the measurements. For example, a ski box or any roof loads are included in the cars height. You will have to pay extra charges if your booking is made to the wrong category and it may also lead to you losing your booked car space at the check-in. Please be careful with the measurements as we hope your journey will be as pleasant as possible.
You can add the faster vehicle disembarkation service for your vehicle. This means that your vehicle is directed to the main deck of passenger cars, which allows for faster exit from the ferry. Make a booking in advance.
Vehicle space 1
Maximum length 5 m • Maximum height 1.9 m
Vehicle space 2
Maximum length 7 m • Maximum height 2.4 m
Vehicle space 3
Maximum length 7 m • Height over 2.4 m
When booking your trip you will also be asked for the car registration number. If your vehicle is to be towed onboard, please inform our sales department at the time of booking. If your vehicle is in commercial traffic or registered for commercial traffic, then the booking is made through the freight department. Other vehicle bookings can be made online or through our sales department.
Please note local regulations in destination countries
In the Baltics, the vehicle must have a nationality label, i.e. the FIN sticker or EU registration plates. Check for other possible recommendations and national requirements for the vehicle before you travel.
Certification of motor liability insurance and other insurances
Insurance practices vary by country. From your own insurance company you get a Green Card, a certificate of a valid motor liability insurance (also called compulsory or third-party insurance). Please note that you need an own card for the trailer. Green card is generally accepted in European countries, including in the Baltic countries and in Poland.
Always check with your insurance company before the trip that the motor liability insurance as well as travel and luggage insurances are valid.
If you are not the owner of the car, remember authorization
If the driver is not the owner or holder of the vehicle, the driver should carry an international power of attorney (POA), certifying the right to transport the vehicle, even abroad.
Faster disembarkation service
Your vehicle will be directed to the main deck of passenger car, from where it is faster exit to the ferry. Book faster disembarkation service among with a ferry ticket.
Vehicle check-in
Reserve enough time for check-in, when you are travelling with a vehicle. Read here about check-in times. When you arrive at the harbour, follow the signs guiding to car check-in. Read more about the port and directions to Helsinki harbour here. And if you are travelling to Tallinn, find more information about the harbour here.
If there is more than one vehicle reserved on the same booking, please drive them all to the same check-in point at the port.
The car onboard on a day-cruise or a Mini cruise?
If you are travelling with car on a Day in Tallinn cruise, a Day in Tallinn & Buffet cruise, a Day in Helsinki cruise or a Long day in Helsinki cruise, you have to drive your car off the ship when arriving in harbour during your cruise.
An onboard parked cannot be driven off the ship when arriving in Tallinn during a 6H Mini cruise or a Mini cruise with Buffet -trip.
Car alarm on?
As you are parking your car at the car deck, please note that ships movements can cause the car alarms to be triggered if they are switched on during the trip. There is no admittance to car deck during the journey.
Do you have gas bottles?
If you are transporting gas bottles in your vehicle or mobile home, please make sure the place is marked and the main valve is closed and sealed. Also note that the gas bottle storage place should be easy to open in case of fire.
No ignitable liquids on car deck
Inflammable liquids or barbecue coal may not be transported in open receptacles on the car deck. The maximum amount of flammable liquids is 25 litres per vehicle in total and must be stored in approved receptacles (e.g. gasoline cans).
Charging electric vehicles
Electric cars cannot be charged onboard our vessels at the moment. There is no electricity available for caravans or motorhomes.
General information onboard the car deck
Have luggage that you need during the sea trip, easily accessible already before boarding the car deck. For safety reasons, the driver's use of a mobile phone is prohibited while driving on the harbor area, on the ramp and on the car deck of the ship. As you park the car, tighten the handbrake and put it in low gear, alternatively P-gear during travel on board. Be careful when you move on car deck as there are many other larger and smaller vehicles moving at the same time. For safety reasons, the car deck is closed during the journey. The car deck is locked 30 minutes after departure and reopened 30 minutes before arrival. Smoking and open fires are not allowed on the car deck.