Seller information and methods of payment in webshop
Seller: Eckerö Line Ab Oy
Business ID: 0967682-4
Eckerö Line West Terminal T2
Tyynenmerenkatu 14
00220 Helsinki
Contact information and opening hours
Eckerö Line Ab Oy has a valid guarantee at Ålands landskapsregering, ref ÅLR 2023/2480.
Supervising Authority: Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority
Methods of payment in webshop
Eckerö Line's journeys can be payed in Finnish and Estonian web banks. Also major credit cards and MobilePay service. The Payment provider is Paytrail (all methods of payment except the Estonian web bank options).
Payment of pre-order products
Pre-order products ordered from the webshop are payable onboard during the journey. Pay the products at Eckerö Market shop on 6th floor at the cashier with pre-order sign at least 1,5 h before the arrival. Major payment cards and cash payments are accepted. See more: order and shipping conditions.
Payment service provider
Paytrail Oyj
Business ID: 2122839-7
Ohjelmakaari 10
[email protected]
Tel. +358 207 181830
Service description
Paytrail Oyj buys the sales receivable in other words the payment sum from the web seller and offers you a full choice of payment methods listed on the payment method page. Message about your payment is forwarded to the seller without any delay.
Paytrail stores IP-address, payment method and payment time & date during the payment process. View the privacy policy.

Seller: Eckerö Line Ab Oy
Business ID: 0967682-4
PL 307
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Visiting address:
Eckerö Line West Terminal T2
Tyynenmerenkatu 14
00220 Helsinki
Contact information and opening hours
Supervising Authority: Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority
Methods of payment in webshop
Eckerö Line's journeys can be payed in Finnish and Estonian web banks. Also major credit cards and MobilePay are accepted. Collector invoice is available for the Finnish customers. The Payment provider is Paytrail (all methods of payment except the Estonian web bank options).
Payment of pre-order products
Pre-order products ordered from the webshop are payable onboard during the journey. Pay the products at Eckerö Market shop on 6th floor at the cashier with pre-order sign at least 1,5 h before the arrival. Major payment cards and cash payments are accepted. See more: order and shipping conditions.
Payment service provider
Paytrail Oyj
Business ID: 2122839-7
Ohjelmakaari 10
[email protected]
Tel. +358 207 181830
Service description
Paytrail Oyj buys the sales receivable in other words the payment sum from the web seller and offers you a full choice of payment methods listed on the payment method page. Message about your payment is forwarded to the seller without any delay.
Paytrail stores IP-address, payment method and payment time & date during the payment process. View the privacy policy.